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We offer black bear hunting with bait

Maine has the largest black bear population in the Northeast!


6 day/7 night hunt package


(Guided hunt, Lodging, & Transportation-Meals not included)


Bear Baiting season is typically the last Monday of

August through the third week of September:


                      Week 1 2023 

                      28 Aug- Sept 2











You will arrive the Sunday afternoon before your hunt begins Monday. You will hunt Monday-Saturday.  

You will depart Sunday morning.


The guides at Mainely Hunting and Fishing pre-bait four weeks prior to season offering the best opportunity for your success! Together you will achieve your Black Bear Hunting goal!


The fall black bear hunt at Lodge is a very exciting part of our season. The black bear are more than plentiful in our private bear management areas.


We personally guide and transport you to your baited bear stand, bait your site for you, and pick you up after shooting hours. While you are on stand we are baiting other sites in the area to insure that you have an active site later in the week, if needed. Our sites are kept active by baiting every day. The bear are baited with special baits and scents that will draw the bears from long distances and will keep them coming back. We put you on active bait sites but recommend you move after two days if you have not killed. This helps increase your odds. All tree stands are portable ladder stands 12 to 14 feet high. Tree stand shots vary from 12 to 20 yards. Bow stands offer 12 to 20 yard shots. We also have numerous ground blinds which offer more comfort and longer shots. We hunt in the Greenbush, Howland, and Old Town area(s). which provides an abundance of trophy game. The bear hunt over bait gives the hunter an opportunity to go one on one with this admired trophy animal.


Lodging: We lodge at Passadumkeag Point Campground in Passadumkeag, Maine.













Josh Hatley showing Black Bear scratchings on a tree
Camera footage of a Black bear taking the bait in one of our hunts
Passadumkeag point Cabin1.jpg
Passadumkeag Point Cabin 2.jpg
Passadumkeag point cabin 3.jpg

Legal Hunting Equipment

Bear may be taken by use of rifle, handguns, muzzleloader, shotguns (with slugs only not larger than 10 gauge), bow and arrow (with a minimum draw weight of 35 lbs.) or crossbow (with a minimum draw weight of 100 lbs.).

A nice sleuth checking out the bait on one of our game cams

Bradford, Maine


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